Acer platanoides columnare
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Acer platanoides Columnare - oszlopos korai juhar | Florapont. Az Acer platanoides Columnare - oszlopos korai juhar tulajdonságai Alak: Idős korára az ágak felfelé törővé válnak, így a fa oszlopos koronát nevel, 10-15 méter magas, 6-8 m szélessé válik
öregház étterem
. Levél: Levelei nagyméretűek, ötkaréjúak. Kihajtáskor élénkzöldek, majd nyárra sötétzöld színre váltanak.. Acer platanoides Columnare - Oszlopos korai juhar. Acer platanoides Columnare - Oszlopos korai juhar 14.390 Ft Ajánlom mellé az alábbi termékeket: Mabako szerves istállótrágya 50 liter 3.690 Ft AGRO Tőzeg (50 liter) 6.290 Ft (ejtsd: ácer platanoidesz) Szállítási méret: 200-250 cm magas Kiszerelés: földlabdás Közeg: tőzegtartalmú, tápdús földkeverék. Acer platanoides Columnare - Oszlopos korai juhar Tk 8/10. Acer platanoides Columnare - Oszlopos korai juhar Tk 8/10. K25, Tk 8/10 cm, 3xi., 350/400 cm. Közepes termetű (10-15 m), fiatalon tojás alakú, később oszlopos formájú, sudaras koronájú fa. Középerős növekedésű, levelei kihajtáskor kissé vöröslők, késöbb teljesen zöldek.. Acer platanoides Columnare - Van den Berk Nurseries. Acer platanoides Columnare. An old French cultivar which has an egg-shaped crown at first. When maturing the branches grow more upright and it becomes a columnar shaped tree. Spread up to circa 6 m.. Acer platanoides Columnare/200-250/, Oszlopos korai juhar. Acer platanoides Columnare Oszlopos korai juhar Csoport: Díszfa, Díszfák Növekedés: A díszfa 8-10 m magas ágai felfelé törnek. Fiatalon tojás, később oszlopos koronájú. A díszfák levelei zöldek. Szűk utcák fásítására alkalmas. Városi klímát jól tűri.. Korai juhar - Wikipédia. A korai juhar vagy platánlevelű juhar(Acer platanoides) a szappanfavirágúak (Sapindales) rendjébe és a szappanfafélék (Sapindaceae) családjába tartozó faj. Nevét onnan kapta, hogy virágai tavasszal az elsők között nyílnak. Előfordulása, élőhelye[szerkesztés]. Acer platanoides - Wikipedia. Description Acer platanoides is a deciduous tree, growing to 20-30 m (65-100 ft) tall with a trunk up to 1.5 m (5 ft) in diameter, and a broad, rounded crown. The bark is grey-brown and shallowly grooved
Unlike many other maples, mature trees do not tend to develop a shaggy bark. The shoots are green at first, soon becoming pale brown.. Acer platanoides Columnare - Van den Berk Pépinières. Acer platanoides Columnare. Ancien cultivar français possédant, dans ses jeunes années, une couronne ovoïde. Au cours du temps, ses branches ont tendance à croître plus à la verticale, formant ainsi une couronne colonnaire élancée. Sa largeur atteint environ 6 m.. PDF Acer platanoides Columnare - Acer platanoides Columnare Height 15 - 20 m Crown egg-shaped to columnar, dark, dense crown Bark and branches bark dark grey, branches light brown Leaf 5/7-lobed, green, circa 20 cm, in autumn golden yellow Autumn colour yellow Flowers yellow green, in corymbs, April, before leaf unfurl. Acer platanoides Columnare - Van den Berk Baumschulen. Acer platanoides Columnarezsu autó
. winter_planting_notification.text. Eine alte französische Sorte, die in jungem Alter eine eiförmige Krone besitzt. Mit zunehmendem Alter wachsen die Äste mehr vertikal und wird der Baum schmal säulenförmig. Breite bis circa 6 m.. ENH-190/ST031: Acer platanoides Columnare: Columnare Norway Maple. Description Height: 50 to 60 feet Spread: 15 to 20 feet Crown uniformity: symmetrical Crown shape: upright/erect, columnar Crown density: dense Growth rate: moderate Texture: coarse Foliage Leaf arrangement: opposite/subopposite (Fig. 3) Leaf type: simple Leaf margin: lobed, dentate, incised Leaf shape: star-shaped. Acer platanoides Columnare - Érable plane - Promesse de fleurs. LAcer platanoides Columnare est une ancienne variété dérable plane, très utilisé en arbre dalignement grâce à sa silhouette élancée et étroite. Cet arbre de taille moyenne est très vigoureux et facile de culture. Découvrez-le en ligne !. Acer platanoides Columnare - Oszlopos korai juhar (extra méretű koros). Az Acer platanoides Columnare - Oszlopos korai juhar (extra méretű koros) főbb jellemzői: Közepes termetű, 10-15 méteres magasságot elérő, középerős növekedésű korai juhar fajta. Koronája oszlopos habitusú, ágai felfelé törők. Levelei nagyok, ötkaréjúak.. Acer platanoides - Trees and Shrubs Online. The leaves of Acer platanoides Columnare are smaller and shallower-lobed than in the type, while its branches are erect and its habit is columnar. It was raised in the nursery of Simon-Louis at Plantières, near Metz, in 1855, and became available commercially from 1878-1879 ( Bean 1976 ; Jacobson 1996) .. Spitz-Ahorn Columnare / Acer platanoides Columnare. Acer platanoides Columnare ist eine aus Frankreich stammende Sorte des Spitz-Ahorns, die bereits seit 1887 auf dem Markt ist und sich aufgrund eines säulenhaften Wuchses einer großen Beliebtheit erfreut.. Acer platanoides Columnare habit: UIPLANTS - University of Illinois .. Acer platanoides Columnare Columnar Norway maple This is a columnar form that often has several leaders or main branches, forming a wide column. Habit: Wide columnar with several leaders, branch angles of 60 to 90 degrees: Size: 40-50 high, 15-20 wide : All information on this site is copyright protected.. Columnare Norway Maple - Acer platanoides Columnare - PNW Plants. Scientific name: Acer platanoides Columnare
időkép gara
. Land managers looking for a very narrow shade tree will greatly enjoy the Columnar Norway Maple as it grows quickly to fill a confined space. In the city it would make an ideal selection in a narrow boulevard. This is deciduous shade tree which grows to 50-60 in height and 15 to 20 .. Search for advice details & tips on garden & indoor plants | Plant .. RHS Botanical Art and Photography Show 14 June - 7 July 2024 RHS Botanical Art and Photography Show. Acer platanoides Columnare von Bruns Pflanzen. Acer platanoides Columnare Allgemeine Informationen Acer platanoides Columnare WHZ WHZ 4 Verbreitung Europa, nach Osten bis zum Ural, im Süden bis zum Kaukasus, Kleinasien und Nordpersien; in Mischwäldern auf feuchten, nährstoffreichen, humosen Böden. Wuchs. Acer platanoides Columnare - Noorse esdoorn (cv) - Van den Berk .
Acer platanoides Columnare is een oude Franse cultivar die op jonge leeftijd een eivormige kroon heeft. Op latere leeftijd gaan de takken meer verticaal groeien en wordt hij smal zuilvormig. Breedte tot circa 6 m. De zuilvormige kroon maakt deze boom zeer geschikt voor smalle straten en lanen.. Érable plane colonnaire Columnare - Acer platanoides - Le Jardin du .. Plante, non parfumée, hauteur à maturité 15 m, largeur à maturité 4 m, couleur de floraison insignifiante, mois de floraison avril et mai, couleur du feuillage vert foncé, type de feuillage caduc, port fastigié. Caractéristiques complètes. Voir les Acer. Voir les Acer platanoides.. Acer platanoides Columnare- Pelarlönn - Stångby Plantskola. Acer platanoides Columnare, pelarlönn, är en smalkronig lönn med genomgående stam och korta sidogrenar. En något "sparsmakad" krona som ung, men med åren utvecklar träd av sorten en tät och fyllig krona. Acer platanoides med sorter Skogslönnen är ett av våra mest uppskattade ädellövsträd.. Säulenahorn - Acer platanoides Columnare - gelb - Praskac. Verwendung: Straßen- & Alleebaum, für Plätze, schmale Baumpflanzungen, Innenhöfe. Frostfest: winterhart. EAN: 9004914047343. Bot. Kategorien: Laubgehölze Alle Bäume Laubbäume Säulenform. Im Onlineshop und im Praskac Gartencenter gibt es Säulenahorn - Acer platanoides Columnare.. Columnar and Fastigiate Trees for CO Landscapes - 7.427. Acer: platanoides Crimson Sentry Crimson Sentry Norway maple: 30 x 15: Med-High: Red-purple summer foliage; leaves more scorch resistant: Acer: platanoides Columnare Columnar Norway maple: 50 x 20: Med: Yellow flowers in early spring; dense canopy: Carpinus: betulus Frans Fontaine Frans Fontaine hornbeam: 25 x15: Med. Javor mléč Columnare - Acer platanoides Columnare | Zahradnictví FLOS. Využití Acer platanoides Columnare: Uplatnění nalezne zejména v uličních stromořadích. Návod na pěstování: Tento kultivar upřednostňuje slunné stanoviště a mírně vlhkou půdu. Na půdní typ ani pH není náročný, je tolerantní k městskému znečištění. Mrazuvzdornost je do - 30 °C (zóna 4b).. ENH-187/ST028: Acer platanoides: Norway Maple - EDIS. Introduction. Norway maple in cultivation has a height of 40 to 50 feet but can grow much taller when shaded on the sides. The rounded crown fills with greenish-yellow flowers in the spring. Norway maples dense shade and shallow root system competes with lawn grasses, and the shallow roots can make mowing under the tree difficult.crocosmia lucifer
. Acer platanoides Rezek Columnar Norway Maple. Acer platanoides Rezek Columnar Norway Maple Zones 4-8 Rezek is a slow growing columnar Norway maple that is both rare and unqiue. Rezek may reach 6-7 ft in height by 1 ft in width in 10 years. The narrow habit is almost Lampost in shape with curly leaves. The incision on the leaves creates a serrated looking edge.. Javor mléč - Wikipedie. Javor mléč ( Acer platanoides) je druh stromu z čeledi mýdelníkovité. Javor mléč je statný opadavý strom, dosahuje výšky 25 až 30 m
texas repülőjegy
. Dospělosti dosahuje jako solitér ve věku 20-30 let, v zápoji 30-40 let. Dosahuje většinou kratšího věku než 150 let, výjimečně 300 až 400 let. Odborné druhové jméno platanoides .. Acer platanoides ( Columnare Norway Maple ) - Backyard Gardener. Acer platanoides ( Columnare Norway Maple ) Columnare is a large, hardy, deciduous, tree growing compact and upright with a narrow spread, reaching 70 feet in height by 20 feet in width. Greenish-yellow flowers in early spring. It has dense green foliage turning bright yellow in the fall.. Acer platanoides Crimson King (Norway Maple) - Gardenia. Majestic, award-winner Acer platanoides Crimson King (Norway Maple) is a vigorous medium-sized deciduous tree prized for its large, rich purplish-crimson leaves that last throughout the summer and its purple fruits. Its oval to rounded, dense crown fills with ornamental clusters of reddish-orange flowers in the spring, just as the leaves emerge. They give way to purple samaras. In the fall .. Javor mléč - Acer platanoides | Zahradnictví FLOS. Acer platanoides. Javor mléč je naše domácí dřevina, která roztroušeně roste od nížin po podhorské oblasti. Vyskytuje se často v listnatých lesích, někdy i v luzích. Velmi často ji můžeme nalézt jako náletovou dřevinu u zdí, kolejí…. Vše o produktu.
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. Lapu koki un krūmi Archives - Zalenieku kokaudzētava. Acer platanoides Charles Joly - Parastās kļavas šķ. 80-100 . 150-200+ C4 . C8 . 19.00 . 28.00 . Uz grozu Sazināties . Uz grozu Sazināties . 17: Foto. Acer platanoides Columnare - Parastās kļavas šķ . Foto. Acer platanoides Columnare - Parastās kļavas šķ .. Germination and Seed Viability of Norway Maple Cultivars, Hybrids, and .. Norway maple species, interspecific hybrids Keithsform and Warrenred (Acer truncatum ×platanoides), and norway maple cultivars Columnare, Crimson King, Emerald Queen, Erectum, Faasens Black, Fairview, Globosum, Greenlace, Reitenbachii, Royal Red, Rubrum, Schwedleri, Summershade, Superform, and Undulatum seed lots were collected .. Catalogue 2023 - Pépinière St-Paul de Joliette Inc. - Issuu. ACER PLATANOIDES COLUMNARE. H: 15 m. Floraison 5. Zone 4. m. Petit arbre au port globulaire. Feuillage à belle coloration automnale rouge- orangée, écarlate . Abondantes fleurs parfumées au .
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. Columnar Norway Maple (Acer platanoides Columnare) at Millcreek Gardens. Find Columnar Norway Maple (Acer platanoides Columnare) in Salt Lake City, Utah (UT) at Millcreek Gardens. Your Favorite Garden Center Since 1955 (801) 487-4131; 3500 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84106; Plants. Hydrangeas; Japanese Maples; Perennials; Utah Native Plants; Supplies. Bulk Soil & Mulch;. Paltin de câmp, arțar (Acer platanoides) - 180cm. Paltin de câmp, arțar norvegian, arbore decorativ pentru umbră, rezistent la poluarea urbană. Acer platanoides, cu denumirile comune paltin de câmp, arțar sau arțarul norvegian, este un arbore originar în Europa, cultivat în special în țările și regiunile cu ierni grele.. Acer platanoides Columnare. Acer platanoides Columnare Description: Deciduous tree. Used in parks and public gardens. Is very rare. Tree form: Columnar
Branches upright. Tree size: Medium large tree (6-12 m). Columnar crown. Life span: Medium long (50 to 200 years). Growth rate: Low. Grows slower than the species. Sexual organisation: Monoecious (male and female flowers).. Columnar Norway Maple (Acer platanoides Columnare) at Millcreek .. Phone Number 780-469-8733 Email [email protected] Address 3103 - 17th Street Edmonton, AB. Mleč (javor) — Википедија. Acer platanoides Cleveland - brzorastuće, srednje drvo (12—15 m), široko jajaste, skoro loptaste krune, svetlozelenih izdanaka u razvoju, kasnije tamnozelenih, svetložutih u jesen;; Acer platanoides Columnare - spororastuće drvo visine 10 (12) m uske uspravne krune jajaste u starosti, grana uperene ka vrhu, manjih i pliće urezanih listova žutih u jesen;. Acer Platanoides Columnare Norway Maple | SiteOne. Description. Acer Platanoides Columnare Norway Maple is a large, compact, upright, deciduous tree with narrow-spreading growth. Columnare Norway Maple has dense, green foliage that turns bright yellow in fall. In spring, greenish-yellow flowers appear. This shade tree is tolerant of poor soils and grows best under full sunlight.. NORWAY MAPLE - ACER PLATANOIDES | The UFOR Nursery & Lab. Genus: Acer Species: A. platanoides Hardiness Zone: 3 to 7 Height: 40 to 50 ft Width: 30 to 50 ft Common characteristics: The Norway maple has a dense, rounded, and symmetrical crown. The bark is grayish-brown, with regular grooves or furrows. Leaves grow in opposite arrangements and have five lobes.. Acer platanoides Drummondii | Variegated Norway Maple - Ornamental Trees. Acer platanoides Drummondii is a variegated Norway Maple tree. Buy medium to mature sizes from specialist nursery with 97% review score & UK wide delivery. This site uses some essential cookies. Our additional cookies help improve your shopping experience so please opt-in. Cookies Page. Accept Cookies. Manage Preferences .. Konténeres díszfák - Gödöllői Kertészet. Acer platanoides Columnare - Oszlopos korai juhar Tk 8/10. 33 000 Ft . Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry - Bordólevelű korai juhar, Vérjuhar K25, Tk8/10. 36 000 Ft. Acer platanoides Columnare Columnar Norway Maple - Kankakee Nursery. Acer platanoides Columnare Columnar Norway Maple Maple, Columnar Norway. Narrowly upright and columnar growth habit. Very low-maintenance; dark green foliage. Acer freemanii Armstrong Maple . Maple, Armstrong. Zelkova serrata Musashino Zelkova, Musashino. Schedule A Tour (800) 344-7697.. Popisy stromů, 143DND - Dendrologie - ČVUT - Acer platanoides „Columnare" Výška stromu je do 12-ti m, šířka koruny do 4 m. Koruna je hustá a sloupovitá se vzpřímeně rostoucími větvemi. Internodia jsou silně zkrácena. List je menší, hluboce lalokovitý, tmavozelený. Pro svoji dobrou mrazuvzdornost je vhodnou náhradou za kultivar „Cleveland".. Млеч (јавор) — Википедија. Acer platanoides Columnare - спорорастуће дрво висине 10 (12) m уске усправне круне јајасте у старости, грана уперене ка врху, мањих и плиће урезаних листова жутих у јесен;. Royal Red Maple Tree | Garden Gate Nursery. Acer platanoides Royal Red / Royal Red Maple Tree: Growing zones 4-7. Grows to a height of 40ft. and a spread of 30ft. The Royal Red Maple is similar to the Crimson King, but with better color and hardiness. It has glossy dark purple foliage that will retain its color well throughout the year. Medium growth rate.. PDF Acer platanoides - University of Florida. Acer platanoides Figure 1. Middle-aged Norway Maple. Norway Maple1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION Norway maple in cultivation has a height of 40 to 50 feet but can grow much taller when shaded on the . Columnare - columnar or upright growth habit, 35. Acer platanoides Columnare | Noorse esdoorn Columnare. Wikipedia. De Acer platanoides Columnare / Noorse esdoorn Columnare is een boom die een hoogte van circa 20 meter kan bereiken. Op jonge leeftijd heeft deze esdoorn een eivormige kroon waarvan de takken op latere leeftijd meer verticaal gaan groeien, zodat er een zuilvormige kroon ontstaat. De bladeren zijn gelobd en gelijk aan de soort.. Acer platanoides Columnare - Pepinierele Van den Berk. The right time to plant Acer platanoides Columnare is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Acer platanoides Columnare with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.. Maple Leaf Nursery. Acer Platanoides Columnare 3 35 x 15 Acer Platanoides Crimson King: 4: 40 x 30 Acer Platanoides Crimson Sentry: 4: 25 x 15 Acer Platanoides Deborahsanditon 2 évad 1 rész videa
. 50 x 40 Acer Platanoides Princeton Gold: 4: 35 x 30 Acer Platanoides Royal Red: 4: 35 x 30 Acer Pseudoboldianum (Korean Maple) Acer Pseudoboldianum (Korean Maple) 3-8 30 x 20 Acer .. (PDF) Acer platanoides Columnare | Dennis Watson - Acer platanoides Columnare. This cultivar of Norway Maple has a height of about 50 to 60 feet, but only spreads to about 15 or 20 feet . The upright crown fills with greenishyellow flowers in the spring. Lateral branches are short and grow almost horizontally which is quite unusual for a columnar tree. Some suggest growing the tree with only .. Javor mléč Columnare - Zahradnictví Spomyšl. Acer platanoides Columnare Jedná se o úzký, sloupovitě rostoucí kultivar, s vejčitou, hustou korunou. Růst je v celku rychlý. V průběhu dvaceti let dorůstá do výšky 15 m, se šířkou koruny kolem 3 m. Jde o nejběžněji vysazovaný javor u nás. Detailní informace.. Acer Platanoides Columnare Norway Maple - Paramount Plants. Acer Platanoides Columnare, or Norway Maple Columnare, is a tough, hardy, long-lived landscape tree with a narrow columnar shape which will provide reliable foliage, spring flowers and autumn colour. Acer Platanoides or Norway Maple is native to northern Europe. The cultivar Columnare is a fast growing deciduous erect tree.. PDF Acer platanoidesOlmsted - University of Florida. Acer platanoidesOlmsted -- Olmsted Norway Maple Page 4 horticultural oil sprays. Scales may also be controlled with well-timed sprays to kill the crawlers. If borers become a problem it is an indication the tree is not growing well. Controlling borers involves keeping trees healthy. Chemical controls of existing infestations are .. Japanese Flagpole Flowering Cherry Tree Profile by Kuenzi Turf & Nursery. The Japanese Flagpole Flowering Cherry tree ( Prunus serrulata Amanogawa) is a beautiful, hardy, deciduous ornamental cherry tree that is perfect for small landscapes. The cultivar is very old, dating back to 1886. Amanogawa means Heavens River in Japanese, referring to the galaxy full of stars, which looks like a river.. Acer platanoides Mauritz Upright® | Columnar Norway maple. Unlike Acer platanoides Columnare which can grow up to 6 m wide, Mauritz Upright ® remains much more compact and its leaf position is also completely different. Another striking feature of Acer platanoides Mauritz Upright ® is that, as the name implies, its beautifully upright and has a narrow crown, as well as beautiful .. Lombos díszfák - Ökoplant. Acer platanoides Columnare, Oszlopos korai juhar. Fiatalon tojásdad alakú, idős korára az ágak felfelé törővé válnak, így a fa oszlopos koronát nevel, 6-8 m szélessé válik. Magassága 15-20 m lehet. A korona mérete és alakja alkalmassá teszi szűk utak, utcák fásítására.. Acer saccharum Temples Upright - Oregon State University. This tree may grow to 50-60 ft (15-20 m) tall. It has a strong central leader but its major and minor lateral branches are also ascending, but gradually i.e., it a has a fastigiate habit when mature (a broom-like appearance). The short, stubby lateral branches seen in Newton Sentry are absent in this selection (except when young).. Buy Acer platanoides Columnare Tree | Hillier Trees. 7m high x 2.5m wide after 25 years. Environment. Similar to the traditional Norway Maple, this cultivar will flourish in difficult urban soils which do not waterlog. With its tightly closed canopy, it presents options of planting in exposed sites with strong winds, but not coastal. Canopy. The crown remains upright and closed as the tree matures.. Acer platanoides Rezek, Columnar Norway Maple. Properties/conditions: Rare as hens teeth and slower than a pre-global warming glacier, Rezek gets under true collectors skins and is hard to shake. One foot wide and slowly vertical, its congested growth of crinkled leaves are a textural, columnar wonderment. Though slow, it will gratify before you know it. Mature size: 7 ft tall x 1 ft.. Columnar Norway Maple - J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.. Acer platanoides Columnare Columnar Norway Maple. USDA Zone: 4. Height: 35′ Spread: 15′ Description: True to its name, this cultivar produces a column of green foliage. It is ideal for street use where buildings demand a narrow tree. It develops stout branches which grow stiffly upward, almost parallel to the main stem, which gives it a .. Acer saccharinum Silver Queen habit: UIPLANTS. Acer saccharinum Silver Queen Silver Queen silver maple Fast-growing and with a better habit than the species, this oval-headed cultivar is nearly fruitless and presents an improved yellow fall color. Habit: Oval-rounded with upright branching: Size: 70 high, 40 wide :. ACER platanoides COLUMNARE (Érable plane Colonnaire) - Le Jardin de Pascal. LACER platanoïdes COLUMNARE (Érable plane Colonnaire), superbe colonne compacte virant au jaune dor à lautomne. Plante saine. Peut atteindre 8 à 10 m à maturité. Tout sol même calcaire. Bien en isolé, alignement même serré pour faire un rideau de verdure.. Apstādījumu veidotāju Ceļvedis Latvijas stādaudzētavu sortimentā. Vietne ir daiļdārznieku, ainavu arhitektu un dārzu entuziastu aprindās labi pazīstamā "APSTĀDĪJUMU VEIDOTĀJU CEĻVEDIS LATVIJAS STĀDAUDZĒTAVU SORTIMENTĀ" biežāk sauktā vienkārši "Ceļvedis" digitālā versija. Šeit ir visa vai gandrīz visa tā pati informācija, kas ir drukātajā versijā plus jaunie augi, ko audzētavas sākušas audzēt kopš pēdējās .. Acer platanoides Cleveland - Van den Berk Školky. Acer platanoides Cleveland. Středně velký strom s kompaktní a pravidelnou korunou vejčitého tvaru, která se v dospělosti rozšiřuje, ale zůstává hustá
Výška dosahuje až 15 mcukorbetegek támogatása 2022
. Listy jsou leskle tmavě zelené a poměrně velké se žlutooranžovým podzimním zbarvením. Strom kvete ještě před rozvinutím listů poměrně .. Acer platanoides Columnare - TREES FOR THEE. Acer platanoides Columnare Javor mléč Columnare Kompaktně rostoucí javor. Korunu má nejdříve úzce sloupovitě rostoucí, ve stáří pak úzce vejčitou. Internodia jsou silně zkrácena. Tmavě zelené zbarvení listů se na podzim mění na žluté a žlutohnědé. Vyhovují mu propustné vlhčí nezhutnělé půdy na slunných .. Norway Maple | Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Norway maple. Common name: Norway maple Scientific name: Acer platanoides L. Synonyms: Crimson King, Columnare, Erectum, Olmsted, Drummondii, Emerald Queen, Globosum, Schewedleri, and Summershade, and any other cultivar capable of producing viable seed. Legal status: Specially Regulated with the requirement that sellers affix a label that advises: "Norway maple should only be .. Trees of the Arboretum — Bexley Arboretum. Columnar Maple (Acer platanoides columnare) Selected for their upright, compact canopy these trees can fill unique areas of the landscape. Click here for more information. Red Maple(Acer rubrum ) A colorful tree year round, which gets its name from the red buds seen in the spring and its red leaves in the fall. It is a highly adaptable ..